Tuesday, June 12, 2012

'Tis the Season for Canning - Farmer's Market

The Farmer's Market is a fun and exciting place to get fresh local produce to can. Click on the links below to see if there is a local market near you.

There are many tips and ideas on how to make your way around the market or even get a few good deals.

~To avoid crowds and get the best selection of produce, go when the market is just opening.

~To get the best deals, go close to closing time. A few weeks ago, I came home with a free head of lettuce because the vendor didn't want to have to take it home. Last weekend, we bought 18 perogies for the price of 12.

~Make sure you wear comfortable shoes and wear sunscreen. It has been so hot around here and there isn't a lot of shade at the market.

~It's always helpful to bring one large cloth bag to put all your produce in rather than carrying around many small plastic bags.

~Keep your money is a safe place. Cash is best although some vendors are now using a program on their smart phones to scan credit cards.

~Take a walk through the market first to see what it available before beginning buying.

~Many vendors offer samples - take part but don't use it to eat your lunch off of.

~Enjoy supporting your local farmers!

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